Model profile Patricio Glonek


Name: Patricio Glonek
Age: 26 years old
Place of birth: Hamelin (Germany)
Height/Weight: 1.97m & 104kg.

What sizes do you prefer to wear?
The size I prefer to wear for tops such as hoodies, t-shirts and oversized shirts is mostly XXL. I wear shorts & jogging pants in XL.

What are your hobbies?
As you can easily see, I'm a bodybuilder. The love for the sport also explains the sizes I prefer to wear, because it is more comfortable for us bodybuilders and offers more freedom when training.

Among other things, I love being in front of the camera as a model. I also write the scripts and direct new projects. My goal is to present the new products to EKIPA ® & all customers in the most entertaining way possible. The whole thing always runs in good cooperation with our cameraman. That's why we can offer you a super show.

How long have you been part of the EKIPA ® team?
I have been part of the EKIPA ® team for almost 2 years.
At that time, EKIPA ® was still a "small shop" and I was actually approached personally by the managing director on Instagram. He liked my profile and the professional way I present myself in the pictures.

I was very pleased and knew immediately that I wanted to work with the EKIPA ® team. For me, this decision was the best decision of my life, because the values ​​that you share correspond exactly to my values. The love & pride for Croatia, the then and now collections, products and styles. They remain true to themselves and proudly present our country on the internet. Something like that is not a matter of course and I respect this attitude very much.

What is the biggest plus for customers?
Definitely the service. By that I mean the good customer support, which always tries to make the customer happy. The high quality of the products, of course. In addition, EKIPA ® offers the most unique designs with great attention to detail - there is definitely no shop that can keep up.
There are even lotteries organized very often. I also really appreciate that customers get the opportunity to participate in surveys and make suggestions before each new collection.

What is your favorite place in Croatia?

Very easily! I love everything about Croatia! I can't even name a single place! The love of my homeland affects the whole country, our culture, the values ​​we share and our patriotic pride that I will remain loyal to our country to the end.

What is your favorite food?
Čevapcici with lepinja, because with this meal you are very close to home and it always tastes good.

What is your biggest dream/wish?
My biggest wish is one day to emigrate together with my family, be close to my relatives in Croatia and enjoy life happily in peace.

As difficult as this path may be, I see it as my task. I will continue to fight ambitiously for this path so that I can make this dream possible for myself and my family.

It is my homeland, the love I would give for this country, but also death if the country were threatened and faced with another war. I live in Germany, only my heart beats in Croatia! It has always been so and will always be so.

Your last words in the profile
Dakle, Bog nam daje snagu i Isusov blagoslov nas vodi, zajedno možemo postići svaki cilj!